AMY KUNEY’s debut record, Bird’s Eye View, have earned rave reviews from big time, high rollers like LA Times and LA CitiZine. Here, this One Tree Hill music star takes a quick break from her stardom and talks Hansons, Twilight, and Christmas with us.
The weather in New York is playing mind tricks again.
Yeah, I’m pretty spoiled here… weather-wise, I think California is the only place I could survive. But I was there recently for CMJ [College Music Journal Music & Film Festival]. It was so c-c-c-c-cold!
So let’s get this interview off its feet… don’t be shy, please introduce yourself!
Hey I’m Amy Kuney!
Short and sweet! Just to get the monotonous question out of the way, tell me… how did you become Amy Kuney, the Indie/Folk songstress?
Well, my parents named me Amy Kuney, so I’ve kept that name. As far as becoming the Indie/Folk songstress… I’ve been writing songs since I was 12 (the year the Hansons came out with “mmm bop”).
The Hansons??
We were all in a home school group together. When I saw them become famous so fast, and saw that “normal” home-schoolers from the Midwest could become superstars, it inspired me to start writing and singing.
They had great hair…
And still do!
Do you have any musicians that influence you?
Fiona Apple is a genius in my mind. I can’t hold a candle to her, but she inspires me so much. But I have everything from the Vienna Boys choir to Korn in my Ipod… I’m really into 90’s artists. I feel like we’ve really lost something in music since the 90’s.
Speaking of boy bands, I read on your MySpace that you met the Jonas Brothers.
Someone from my label was working on a project involving them. The person asked me if I wanted to meet them and I said sure! They were playing an exclusive show at the El Rey Theatre here in Los Angeles. I think they’re cute… I’m def’ a cougar.
So what’s this I hear about Twilight ?
I love to read. I’m usually reading 2-3 books at a time. Since everybody’s been talking about it… I had to get in on the action. The first one [Twilight] really held my attention, the second one [New Moon] I had a hard time getting through… Sometimes love quarrels just lose my interest.
This question is just begging to be asked – why Team Edward?
I like pretty, skinny boys.
Well I like the show, Dexter, and I hear through the grapevines that you do too?
I actually had to stop watching it. Trinity scared me too much and I was having nightmares… I’m a wimp.
No worries! Let’s shake those goose bumps out of you with a round of MFBAFC Hot Potatoes. You down?
The rules are as follow: don’t think, just type. Ready, set, and blast off!
Kanye, you… should apologize to T-Swizzle.
America’s… got talent.
Tyler Hilton, I… want to write a song with you!
Kate Voegele is… one of the sweetest people I know.
My neighbor… has anvil feet. I’m afraid she’s going to come through my ceiling one day.
Ding ding ding! So we love how you are on a fall middle/high school tour right now! How’s that going?
I love it! I just started playing for younger audiences over the past year or so. I never thought they would enjoy my music since it’s so mellow, but they have been amazing. I enjoy it so much more than playing clubs and bars. I feel appreciated.
We were really excited for you when we heard you went to Iceland to play with Damien Rice!
That was amazing. It was a much-needed vacation. I’ve never spent so much time up close with one of my idols… it was a lot to take in. I still wake up sometimes and can’t believe it happened.
Tell us about your music on the WB show, One Tree Hill.
That was my manager’s doing… She was on that show a few seasons ago (she’s an actress when she’s not managing me). She knows everyone over there. Sophia Bush has been so supportive and she’s introduced people to my music, people who can help me… I have nothing but good things to say about that crowd.
It’s the Holidays! Is there something in particular you want this Christmas from good old Santa?
I want the Rosetta Stone Spanish Kit! I lived in Honduras for almost six years but I never learned Spanish correctly. While I was working with Sergio, I realized how much I was missing out – not being bi-lingual and all. So, I asked my mom for it… she thought I was joking.
Any big plans for 2010?
I’m hoping to release a new album. Not exactly sure about the details just yet… Right now, I’m completely independent. I may want to work with a label to put this out. So we’re weighing out options, trying to do our homework.
Can’t get enough of Amy? It’s okay! We don’t judge.
Check out Amy Kuney at her official website, MySpace, and YouTube channel.
P.S. Get into the holiday spirit with an Alvin & The Chipmunks-inspired video by Amy!
** Images courtesy of myspace.com/amykuney
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